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Product name : Isokinetic muscle joint measurement system

         ( Isokinetic Testing & Rehabilitation System )

Model Name : HUMAC NORM ( CSMI )

Manufacturer : USA

Specifications :

     - Centrifugal force: 1/16° - 500° Super couple force: 678Nm

     - Centripetal force: 1/16° - 500° Super couple force: 678Nm

     - Active auxiliary movement: 1/16°-500° Super couple: 678Nm

     - Isometric couple force: 678Nm

     - Isotonic power: 678Nm

Composition :  

     - Body 1

     - 1 set of accessories

     - Waist exercise machine 1

     - Computer System 1 set

HUMAC NORM is a state-of-the-art equipment used in medical institutions, sports medicine centers, and research institutes to improve the function of human body movements after objective evaluation and analysis by measuring the numerical values of the human body from various angles.


HUMAC NORM is capable of 22 independent operation patterns and 4 resistance modes (isokinetic, isotonic, isometric, manual) with one machine. is maximizing.

Usage :

HUMAC NORM, a diagnosis and treatment device for isokinetic motion, combines the most efficient and safe isokinetic principle in resistance exercise with a computer system to connect 7 major joints (shoulder joint, elbow joint, carpal joint, hip joint, knee joint, internal joint, lumbar spine) It is a state-of-the-art equipment that accurately measures muscle strength, instantaneous power, recovery rate, interrelationship between agonist and antagonist muscles, and comparison before and after treatment related to the movement of

Working principle & purpose of use  :

    - Measure 19 joints of the human body as isokinetic equipment

    - Rehabilitation and various protocol programs are available to improve muscle strength as well as provide rehabilitation exercise

    - You can check the injured area of each joint

    - Also used as industrial rehabilitation therapy equipment  

    - It is possible to evaluate and train by simulating various activities like the real one

    - Automatic recording & comparative evaluation of treatment progress

▶ Test items  :

1) Passive

2) Isokinetic Mode

3) Eccentric Mode

4) Isometric

5) Knee Extension/Flexion

6) Hip Abduction/Adduction

7) Forearm Supination/Pronation

8) Wrist Extension/Flexion, Radial/Ulnar Deviation

9) Elbow Extension/Flexion

10) Shoulder Extension/Flexion Abduction/Adduction, External/Internal Rotation

11) Ankle Plantar/Dorsiflexion, Eversion/Inversion

12) Pnf D1, D2

13) Trunk Extension/Flexion

Headquarters website  :

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